With all that said, I have a pretty big announcement. For the first time in its history, CosPain is taking a month-long hiatus. From now until the annual New Year's strip, we won't be having our regular updates. This will allow me to spend December recharging my creative batteries so I can come back to the series with renewed vigor. It will also hopefully give me the elbow room I've needed to get some of my other projects off the ground (REALLY need to finish the script for the third Letters book), and to get my newly upgraded Twitch channel the attention it needs.
I will continue to put out content of various kinds through my Patreon, so please stay tuned. You may see some things you haven't encountered before as we experiment with our offerings. If you're only interested in CosPain, however, I understand, and I hope to see you again in about a month.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.