Welcome to my new comic, CosPain! Though I haven't had much time to devote to cosplay myself, as being a full-time cartoonist requires a lot of work, I have long been close to the community. I am a regular tag-along at cons with epic cosplay friends wearing amazing hand-made costumes, acting as their aide, bodyguard, and gofer all rolled into one.
Cons are an amazing place. You step from one world into another, where no person, no matter how bizarre their tastes, gets a chance to feel normal. In a world that has often been cruel to "nerd" culture, cons offer those that have suffered derision simply for being different the opportunity to point and say, "Well at least I'm not THAT guy." Because there's ALWAYS someone weirder.
These comics are my loving jabs at the con experience. The weird stuff I've observed, the wouldn't-that-be-funnies that we come up with in overstuffed hotel rooms, the absurdities that arise from a wonderfully absurd environment. All is meant in jest and good fun, and I hope that you will join me on this journey with a similar attitude.
Also, there will be boobs. You have been warned.