At MASSive Comic Con 2016, I tabled next to a hard-seller named Josh Dahl. That was a rough con, and most of the people I talked to didn't even make table. Josh did. I was fascinated watching him bring people over to the table, fast-talk them, and get them to walk away with his products. I got to talking with him, and he said something I'll never forget: "People don't come here to buy comics. They come here to get a comic con experience. That's what they're paying me for. They get the comic as a bonus."
While I'm not sure how I really feel about that philosophy, it's always stuck with me. In our own way, cartoonists are entertainers, and we are represented as much by our overall brand as by our work. That said, if I'm ever too in-your-face, feel free to punch me. Just remember that punches cost $50 ($30 for patrons! Love you guys).