Feedback is a good thing.
I mainly bring this up because I have encountered artists that can't take even the gentlest of criticism without it really screwing with their heads. We've all been there. Every time I draw a woman's leg, I still think of the girl from my high school sailing team who told me she'd kick my ass if I ever drew her legs like that, and that happened almost two decades ago.
Some people say it's about getting a thick skin, and that is one solution. I prefer, however, recontextualizing the information. When an artist gives you feedback, regardless of what they say or how they say it, they are trying to help you and make you better. Even when it's bad advice (which does happen), recognizing that gives you material you can use to improve. They've basically done you a favor.
If you're the one giving the feedback, my best advice is to keep it positive and constructive. Highlight what's working and give suggestions about how to deal with issues rather than just pointing them out. You'll find this generally works better than being harsh or blunt.