I will say, it could be worse. Yoru's horns could be like the ones from the character design in panel 3 of this strip, which is, to this day, the most evil design I ever conceived.
Today, September 1st, is my birthday! Consider getting both of us a present by backing my Patreon to get strips a week in advance! Why yes, I am shameless!
Joking aside, I'll tell you what you can really do for my birthday, either on the day or when you see this strip: make an effort, if only for one day, to be kind to everyone. Even if someone's beliefs or politics turn your stomach, even if you don't feel they deserve it, even if they respond to your kindness with cruelty, be kind anyway. One day where the cycle of hate gets interrupted, that's my birthday wish.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.