In-person cons are going to have a hard time starting back up. I've been seeing people posting about wanting to go to cons next summer, but it's important to remember that the situation may not be safe yet; the vaccines will take quite a bit of time to roll out, and there's no guarantee that we'll be able to have big indoor events for quite a while. Many conventions are making plans to have events next year, but I fully expect them to either get cancelled or have abysmally low attendance. As much as it pains me to say it, I wouldn't be surprised if cons don't really get rolling again until 2022.
Even more sadly, I suspect that social events like formal balls may take even longer to get back into the con scene. We are talking about activities that are extremely difficult to do while social distancing. I'd love to be wrong, to be able to safely get back out on that dance floor with everyone, but I'd rather wait for the good of all than rush based solely on personal desire.
Once they do start up again, however, I strongly recommend checking them out. Ballroom dance is one of the things that helped me treat my crowd phobia, and it has brought me joy for years. And if Trickssi is running the formal ball, there's a good chance that I'll be there as an assistant. So, y'know, if you ever wanted to meet a weebcartoonist for some weird reason, there you go.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.