Cons come in all shapes and sizes, and they label themselves with various different categories. It's pretty common for tablers to experiment and figure out which general type of show they do best at. I, for example, do best at anime cons, while others I know do best at zine fests or comics art fests.
Virtually all indie cartoonists I know, however, agree that pop culture cons are some of their worst shows. These conventions very often cater primarily to attendees interested in either mainstream comics or non-comics properties like TV and movies. Unless you sell fanart, it's VERY difficult to have an indie comics table at these events.
I hope this doesn't come across as gatekeeping, or as too much of a generalization. My first event of this season was Ratha Con, which does classify itself as a pop culture con and which is typically pretty successful for me. Despite this notable exception, however, I've typically done MUCH worse at pop culture cons than anywhere else, and I know that's a pretty common opinion.
With this, "Disaster Cons" has officially ENDED! We'll be resuming the regular weekly update schedule this Tuesday at noon ET. Thank you for indulging me as I put together this side story, it has given me a MUCH needed change of pace. With my creative juices recharged, I'm ready to jump back into making strips!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.