My very first cosplay-related comic idea was for a superhero series I have on the backburner. Among other characters, that series would have a cosplayer who recreated other heroes' costumes so well that she could actually replicate their powers, and Pincushion was her assistant. Later, when I decided to create this slice-of-life weebcomic, I shelved the superhero series, but I knew almost immediately that Pincushion would make the leap to CosPain.
One of the questions that surrounds Pincushion is why he always hangs around Yoru. It's a multifaceted answer, but one of those facets should be made abundantly clear by today's page: social anxiety. That's going to be a major theme of this story; as trepidatious as Pincushion looks, who knows what adventures await him?
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.