Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.
This Saturday and Sunday, I'll be tabling at WV PopCon in Morgantown, WV! This is my first con in West Virginia since 2019, and I'm excited to be getting back to Mothman country! Hope to see you there!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.
This Saturday, I'll be at Dragon's Lair from noon to 6pm selling comics and promoting the Kickstarter! If you're in the Columbus area, please stop by and show your support!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. Con season is finally getting underway, and we've got three big shows to announce!
Awesome Con This will be my first time attending Awesome Con, but I've heard great things about it. I've exhibited at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center before for Otakon and absolutely loved it, and this promises to be my biggest show yet! I'll also be joined by the incredible Kelci D. Crawford, so it's sure to be a good time! Ratha Con Next up is Ratha Con, one of my favorite Ohio shows! It's a small one-day event in Athens, OH, but I try to exhibit every year. If you want an easy, low-key pop culture event, this is a great one to attend! SPACE We'll be returning to the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo, one of the Midwest's premiere indie comics events! This is a show dedicated to lovers of indie comics and creators, and it's one of the best opportunities to meet local Ohio creators. We hope to see you there! More conventions will be announced in the coming months, but these are getting the year started off right. I'm excited to be hitting the con circuit again, and I really hope to see you all there! Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. IT'S FINALLY TIME! This weekend is the Small Press Expo, which is one of the biggest indie cons on the East Coast and a show I've wanted to table at for YEARS. I was supposed to attend last year, but I unfortunately came down with COVID at the last minute and had to cancel. I'm grateful that the staff of the show has given me a second chance! Stop by table D7b to check out what we have! We're also right by Kelci Crawford and the Columbus Cartoon Coalition, so we clearly have the best corner in the entire con! In addition, Freestyle Komics is hosting a scavenger hunt, and our table is participating! Stop by and ask about CosPain and What the Gnomes Know to check off our entries to the card. Complete them all, and Freestyle Komics may have a prize for you!
See you all this weekend in Bethesda, MD! Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. After weeks of advertising and livestreaming, it's finally time for the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo! If you're in the Columbus area, swing by the Ohio Expo Center and check out the wide array of amazing cartoonists with their works on display!
In addition, I'm excited to announce that the very first post-Kickstarter copies of What the Gnomes Know will be available! If you missed out on backing that project (or want to get some more amazing gnome-related stickers), now's your chance to get them! Hope to see you there! Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. It's not an April Fool's prank! CanonWrite Productions will be at Ratha Con this Saturday in Athens, OH! We'll be right by Fantasyville Productions' Kelci Crawford and representatives of the Columbus Cartoon Coalition! It should be an AMAZING time! Hope to see you there!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. This weekend, CanonWrite Productions will be at Small Press Expo for the FIRST TIME! It's an honor to be part of a con so legendary in the indie comics community. Be sure to stop by table D9, say hi, and get you some comix!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. With the help of our good friends at the Columbus Cartoon Coalition, we (and a bunch of other great Columbus cartoonists) just got a space at Columbus Oktoberfest! Please stop by the Ohio Expo Center sometime this weekend to check it out!
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. Hi guys! I'll be tabling at Otakon this coming weekend, July 29th-31st! Otakon 2008 was the very first convention I ever attended, so it holds a special place in my heart.
If you're anywhere near the DC area, stop by the table and say hi! I'll have copies of Less Than Secret and The Letters of the Devil I and II, as well as those Wonder Woman fundraising prints I mentioned on my Patreon a while ago. In addition, Friday is the 5th anniversary of CosPain, so I'll be doing deals all weekend with the minicollections! Hope to see you there! Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. This Saturday, I'll be at The Laughing Ogre all day along with Bob Corby for Free Comic Book Day! Bob is celebrating the release of Oh, Comics! #30: Cheese (which I did contribute to), and I'll be distributing free minicomic editions of several of the stories from Less Than Secret!
Planning on heading to a different FCBD event in Columbus? I've got you covered there, too! I spent this week distributing the minicomics all over town, so you should be able to find them there. One catch, though: the stores don't all have the same comics! Check my Twitter or Instagram to find out which stores have which stories. Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing. |
AuthorBen Wright-Heuman hails from Richmond, VA. He received his MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2016. He currently lives in New Albany, OH. Archives
January 2025