The ball’s still rolling! Without further ado, let’s begin!
Recently Released
CosPain #134: Halitosis
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #135: Token Extrovert
Upcoming Events
I actually have a con to announce! Joy!
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
The Letters of the Devil
There’s a quote by Neil Gaiman that I’m fond of, that will, in fact, be included in the introduction to the book:
I remember when it was all done in the first draft telling Gene Wolfe, who is the wisest writer I know and has written more excellent novels than any man I’ve met, that I thought I had now learned how to write a novel. Gene looked at me, and smiled kindly. “You never learn how to write a novel,” he told me. “You only learn to write the novel you’re on.”
Words of wisdom that definitely applied to The Legacy of L, and which is also, it would seem, applicable ot Kickstarters. Turns out I had it easy on the first Kickstarter, with a massive initial boost that cleared the funding goal in just 7 days. Any funds beyond that were “extra”, and I was able to take it easier, knowing that the core funds were secured. This one has been slower and steadier, and I’ve had to keep the hustle going for a lot longer. It’s definitely worth it, and I have no intention of stopping until we’ve hit that $2,000 goal, but it’s been a learning experience.
If you want to keep a closer eye on what’s going on with the campaign, the best way is to follow my social media accounts, which will be shamelessly plugging this project for the next month! I have accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook that will be posting regular updates. I also made a recent post about a way you can help promote the project!
As promised, I hosted a livestream this past Saturday on my Twitch channel, due to some technical difficulties preventing me from streaming on YouTube. I will be posting edited replays on my YouTube channel when I get a chance to work on them, but until then, the raw streams are available here.
I still plan to stream every Saturday at 2 PM EST on my YouTube channel, but the time may shift this week, as this Saturday is my mom’s birthday (hi Mom!) and I need to make sure I have time to call her. I will post an announcement on Patreon and on my social media accounts if that will be changing.
All right, back into the grind. This comic won’t sell itself!
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.