Happy 4th of July! Without any further ado, let’s begin!
Recently Released
CosPain #103: Biohazard
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #104: Introvert Booth
Upcoming Events
Otakon 2019: July 26-28, 2019, Washington, D.C.
SaikouCon 2019: August 3-4, 2019, White Haven, PA
Matsuricon 2019: August 16-18, 2019, Columbus, OH
WV Pop Culture Con: September 7th-8th 2019, Morgantown, WV
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
Thank you to everyone who tuned into my last livestream! The replays will go up this upcoming week.
If you’re interested in seeing them as they come out, the best way is to follow my YouTube channel, or my Twitch channel if you want to join in on the livestreams, well, live!
Goodreads Giveaway
I'm giving away 100 Kindle editions of The Letters of the Devil through Goodreads! I know many of you already own a copy of my book, but if you don't, this could be your chance to get a free copy! And even if you do have one already, you could really help me out by spreading the word.
The contest runs until July 29th. To sign up, click here.
Backburner Party
So I mentioned a few newsletters back that I was planning a backburner party. I even listed a date, which happens to be this Sunday. Unfortunately, I have to postpone the event for now. Ironically, I just don’t have time right now. Letters is at a critical stage and requires too much attention.
I’m currently planning to reschedule it for this coming Fall, when things calm down a bit more. I’ll keep you all posted!
The Letters of the Devil II
Inking has picked up significantly, as I had hoped it would. I was able to knock out 12.5 pages in a single day last week! I’m still considering pushing back the deadline, but for now, I’m keeping it as-is.
And with that, this newsletter is at an end! I’ve got a cookout to go to.
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.