Hello to one and all, and welcome to the new friends I made at 3 Rivers Comicon! Without any further ado, let’s begin!
Released this Week
CosPain #97: Punching Bag
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #98: Before it was Cool
Upcoming Events
Otakon 2019: July 26-28, 2019, Washington, D.C.
SaikouCon 2019: August 2-4, 2019, White Haven, PA
Matsuricon 2019: August 16-18, 2019, Columbus, OH
WV Pop Culture Con: September 7th-8th 2019, Morgantown, WV
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
Backburner Party!
For the last few weeks, I’ve been playing with an idea: a Backburner Party. Much like events such as 24-Hour Comic Day, the idea is to get a bunch of creators hanging out and working on their backburner projects. You know the ones. The ideas you always wanted to implement but never had the time, energy, or resources to really delve into. Well, this would be a block of hours where people could sit down and just do it.
The first Backburner Party is Sunday, July 7th, from 1:30-5:30, at the Westerville Library, Meeting Room B. Come on by with whatever backburner project you want to work on and get started!
CosPain #100 Livestream!
The next livestream will by my 100th CosPain strip! In addition, I plan to have it coincide with the completion of the next Letters deadline (see below), so I’m extra excited for it!
While I normally do these streams in two days, I will instead be doing the entire comic in one day. I will be going from pencils all the way through to a finished strip, not just through the coloring.
The stream will be live on Sunday, June 2, starting at 1:00 PM EDT and ending when the strip is done. If you’re able to join me in this celebration, I’d love to have you.
If you’re interested in seeing them as they come out, the best way is to follow my YouTube channel, or my Twitch channel if you want to join in on the livestreams, well, live!
The Letters of the Devil II
And with that, this newsletter is at an end! Next time you hear from me, I will likely have completed an incredible milestone. And be very tired.
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.