Hello, old friends, and welcome to all the new people who signed up for my newsletter! Without further ado, let’s begin!
Recently Released
CosPain #113: Vacuum-Sealed
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #114: Fursuit Cardio
Upcoming Events
With the end of WV Pop Culture Con this past weekend, I am, for the moment, done with events! That may be changing soon, as I am currently negotiating a table-sharing arrangement for later this month. I will let you know once that develops more.
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
The replays for my live draw of CosPain strip #110 have unfortunately not gone up yet. Due to the issues with Letters (detailed below), I have not had time to edit them. As soon as I have a moment to breathe, they will be compiled and posted.
It may be unwise, but I will be pushing myself even further behind by having another live draw this weekend! Tune in on Friday, 9/13 at 7:00 PM EDT for the first part, and Sunday, 9/15 at 7:00 PM EDT for the second part!
If you’re interested in seeing them as they come out, the best way is to follow my YouTube channel, or my Twitch channel if you want to join in on the livestreams, well, live!
The Letters of the Devil II
That said, I am not shifting the deadlines yet. I hope to finish the inks shortly, and when I do, I’ll see where things stand. I appreciate your support on this project, and I still hope to get this book finished before the end of the year.
And with that, this newsletter is at an end! Time to get back to inking.
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.