Hello to one and all, and welcome to the new friends I made at SPACE! Without any further ado, let’s begin!
Released this Week
CosPain #94: There is No Preparing
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #95: Tase Me, Bro
Upcoming Events
3 Rivers Comicon 2019: May 11-12, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA
Otakon 2019: July 26-28, 2019, Washington, D.C.
SaikouCon 2019: August 2-4, 2019, White Haven, PA
Matsuricon 2019: August 16-18, 2019, Columbus, OH
I also have one more con to announce!
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
I have video footage of the panel, but it may be a little while before I can make it available. The audio is a little hard to hear, as the panels at this con were in an open venue with a fair amount of traffic. I also STUPIDLY did not use the microphone, since I figured everybody was pretty close together and could hear me fine. I will be working on cleaning that up, so hopefully I will be able to post it soon.
It will probably be a couple of weeks before my next livestream, as I have a family commitment this coming weekend and 3 Rivers Comicon the weekend after that. That livestream, however, will be my 100th strip. Expect some exciting things from that one.
If you’re interested in seeing them as they come out, the best way is to follow my YouTube channel, or my Twitch channel if you want to join in on the livestreams, well, live!
The Letters of the Devil II
So far, it’s been decent. I can set my own hours of operation, so I’ve been able to continue doing comic work without any real interruption. In fact, I’ve found ways to work while waiting for fares. This change should not have any effect on my creative output.
I debated whether or not to even mention this change in my newsletter, but I decided that it represents a significant-enough shift that I wanted to make you all aware of it. This is the first non-creative job I’ve taken since I left customer service to attend the Center for Cartoon Studies in 2014. It was hard to “go back”, even for something as flexible as Lyft, but reducing my financial burden even a little will allow me to keep doing what I love.
And with that, this newsletter is at an end! I’d better get back to preparing for the next two weekends.
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.