GUYS. We are getting SO CLOSE! Without further ado, let’s begin!
Recently Released
CosPain #136: Sensory Impairment
(Hi-Res Patron Version) CosPain #137: Shared Space
Making a Custom Booksleeve! BWHComics Livestream 2/15/2020
WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM … CosPain #136 and #137 Live Draw, Part 1
KICKSTARTERS, SEQUELS, AND PODCASTS! CosPain #136 and #137 Live Draw, Part 2
Upcoming Events
Indie Comics Fair at the Ace of Cups - March 7th, 2020, Columbus, OH
If you know of any events that are accepting artists, let me know!
The Letters of the Devil
With the campaign in its final days, I will be upping my sales game. You may even be hearing from me directly!
To check out the Kickstarter campaign for yourself, please visit I also made a recent post about a way you can help promote the project!
Livestream replays are posting daily to the BWHComics YouTube channel right now! If you’re interested in seeing some of the process, please check them out!
That said, I may not be able to do a livestream this weekend. I have been invited by my friend Trickssi to go to Anime Crossroads (as an attendee, not as a tabler), so I will be out of town. We have, however, discussed the possibility of doing a livestream from the hotel, but that will be dependent on the internet quality and our busy schedules. Keep an eye out!
Well, that’s it! I’ve got to finish packing for that con!
If you want to support my work further, please visit my online store. I also have Patreon and Ko-Fi accounts if those are more your speed.
Rock on, guys, and never stop drawing.